While similar to stimulants like amphetamine and methylphenidate, modafinil has a different chemical structure. Modafinil belongs to the drug class called CNS stimulants.
Narcolepsy: First-line treatment; Modafinil is used to treat the daytime fatigue associated with narcolepsy, and it has not been shown to improve symptoms of cataplexy.
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To keep from getting pregnant, use another form of birth control while you are using this medicine and for one month after your last dose. Other forms of birth control include condoms, diaphragms, or contraceptive foams or jellies.
Learn what medical treatments Perro ease symptoms of sleep deprivation and help you recover from years of sleeping badly.
Avoid other dangerous activities until you know how modafinil will affect your level of wakefulness.
Check with your health care professional if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome or if you have any questions about them:
Mandar Historial de actualizaciones Actualizamos regularmente nuestros contenidos con la información científica más reciente para nutrir un nivel de calidad admirable.
Mediante la comunicación de bienes adversos usted puede contribuir a proporcionar más información sobre la seguridad de este medicamento.
Other side effects not listed may also occur in some patients. If you notice any other effects, check with your healthcare professional.
Modafinilo Aristo se puede usar por adultos que sufren de narcolepsia para ayudarles a buy Modafinil mantenerse despiertos. La narcolepsia es una condición que provoca una somnolencia diurna excesiva y una tendencia a dormirse de forma repentina en situaciones inadecuadas (ataques de sueño).
Modafinil was studied for the treatment of stimulant dependence, but the results are mixed and inconclusive.[24][251] Modafinil is not a controlled substance in some countries, unlike other medications, such Campeón bupropion, which is also used to treat depression and nicotine dependence.[252] The clinical trials that have tested modafinil as a treatment for stimulant abuse have failed to demonstrate its efficacy and the optimal dose and duration of modafinil treatment remain unclear, and modafinil is not a recommended treatment for stimulant abuse.
Uso en deportistas: este medicamento contiene modafinilo que puede producir un resultado positivo en las pruebas de control de dopaje.
Puede pedir a un ascendiente o a un amigo cercano que lo vigile para detectar posibles signos de depresión o cambios en su conducta.